Upgrading Sabayon and Building Chrome
One advantage of using Sabayon is that you can compile programs to be optimized for your CPU architecture. There are many optimization options and I use -march=native -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ftracer -floop-interchange -floop-block -ftree-loop-distribution -freorder-blocks-and-partition. Chrome on Linux is the fastest browser for sites that you visit often, as they are cached. Furthermore, you can boost Chrome performance beyond the benchmarks.
I follow a few simple steps for upgrading Sabayon:
- equo update
- equo install entropy equo
- equo repo mirrorsort sabayon-weekly
- equo upgrade
- equo conf update
Wolfden has a nice article explaining these steps. To upgrade Chrome, I use the Portage package manager:
- emerge –sync
- layman -S
- equo install sys-devel/gcc-[version]
- gcc-config -c
- equo install www-client/chromium-[version]
- emerge -av –oneshot –nodeps =www-client/chromium-[version]
There were errors coming from different packages when I tried to compile them without steps 3-5, such as configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables and gcc-config: error: could not run/locate ‘g++’. Installing the gcc version listed in gcc-config -c fixed the problem.