Archive for the 'SearchJump' Category

Minimal SearchJump on Google Chrome

May 02 2010 Published by under SearchJump

I noticed that the icons for search jump had different sizes when I loaded it in Google Chrome.


When I investigated the issue, I found the icons had 16×16, 32×32, 64×64 image sizes embedded. Chrome happened to load the larger image sizes.


The final trick was to get Chrome to reload it. I tried restarting the browser and clearing the cache. It finally worked when I uninstalled it from the extensions menu and reinstalled it from the web site.


Minimal SearchJump is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

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SearchJump Updated with Embedded Favicons

Mar 28 2010 Published by under SearchJump

Now you will notice that the icons load a lot faster and all at the same time if you are using either the minimal version or the plain version.

Note: the new version has a new namespace, so the old version must be uninstalled manually from Greasemonkey

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SearchJump Fixes

Mar 25 2010 Published by under SearchJump


  • instead of clicking twice, the panel hides itself after a single click.
  • by default, the script is only active on Google
  • an icon has been added for Clusty
  • the event listener for toggling the panel is only applied to the hide link
  • visual aspects are more balanced

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Broken Bing Query Fixed

Feb 13 2010 Published by under SearchJump

SearchJump has been updated with new link for bing. You can download it for Greasemonkey.

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What Happened to Searchme?

Aug 09 2009 Published by under SearchJump

As far as searchme goes, it now redirects to google. It did a better job of showing search result previews than GooglePreview.

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Minimal SearchJump

Jul 01 2009 Published by under Firefox,SearchJump

If you are a fan of Google Docks (available in Chinese among other languages) or Windows Hoax (has been available in Beta or RC), then you might want to might want to install the MinSJ script, meaning Minimal Script Junkie. I actually thought it stood for Minimu Jumps for Searching, whatever.


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SearchJump Search Engines Highlights

Jun 28 2009 Published by under SearchJump

  • Bing uses technology from Powerset to display “related searches” and groups search results into categories such as product reviews, movie listings, weather, travel, and stock prices, among other new features.
  • Until computers are more powerful than human brains, people will be able to sell their idle brains to the companies and people who need the special processing power that they alone possess through marketplaces like ChaCha, a service where you can ask a question and get it answered in 3 minutes for free.
  • Clusty searches the results of other search engines and indexes, applies AI to pick out the major themes found within the results for each search, and organizes them into folders.
  • Deepdyve is a search engine designed by Human Genome Project scientists that uses DNA matching algorithms on search terms to search 99 percent of the web, while most search engines only crawl 1 percent.
  • Instead of looking up basic encyclopedic information, you can just go to WolframAlpha instead, where you will get a direct answer to your question, as well as a nicely presented set of graphs and other info.
  • Other search engines are put there to look nice (or just look nice)

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Turning on search engines in SearchJump

Jun 27 2009 Published by under Firefox,SearchJump

  1. open the script either by through greasemonkey -> manage user scripts or by navigating through %appdata%/mozilla/firefox/… on Windows
  2. the search engines are all listed at the top use find and highlight “0,” to see all those that are turned off
  3. to turn it on, simply change it to “1,” and save

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SearchJump Improved

Jun 25 2009 Published by under Firefox,SearchJump

If google’s still your way to find answers in the universe, try a greasemonkey script called SearchJump Improved. Also, you may be interested in some other website modifications.

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