Using Encapsulation to Make an Awesome Angular JS Editor in Fiddle Salad
Angular JS is a popular MVC framework by Google, and I received a bug report that Fiddle Salad wouldn’t reload the preview as it does in all other cases. This problem was noticed before, but it wasn’t a priority since pressing the refresh button as required in all other web development methods solves the problem. However, this was because I was attempting to solve it at the wrong level by modifying a method. As I’ve learned, there are dependencies between the execute, reset, and initiation of the class involved.
Fiddle Salad’s CodeRunner class has just 5 public methods. They are
- execute()
- add_file()
- remove_css()
- reset()
- debug()
as in the class diagram on the wiki at Therefore, any implementation of a CodeRunner just needs to support these 5 methods. The debug method could be refactored into a super class because it would generate the template for the new execute() method.
Debug opens a new window with the code loaded in the page. External CSS and JS files are loaded through head tags.
It assumes all external resources are stored in the view model.
template =
css: _.template '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%= source %>" />'
js: _.template '<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= source %>"></script>'
html: _.template """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Fiddle Salad Debug View</title>
<script src=""></script>
<%= css %>
<%= body %>
<%= headtags %>
<script type="text/javascript">
<%= javascript %>
# initialize array of head tags
headTags = new Array
# for each external resource in view model
_.each viewModel.resources(), (resource) =>
# get the file type of the resource, call mapped template with resource, and append generated HTML to head tags
headTags.push template[@filetype resource.source()](source: resource.source())
headtags = headTags.join('')
# get JavaScript and CSS code from the engine
javascript = engine.get_code LANGUAGE_TYPE.COMPILED_PROGRAM
css = engine.get_code LANGUAGE_TYPE.COMPILED_STYLE
# call the template for the window with the head tags and code
html = template.html {javascript, css, body, headtags}
# open window with generated HTML = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(html)
If I just change the last line, the debug method turns into a reset method.
The rest of the class still needs to be completed, but they are as obvious as appending to an array when adding JS/CSS files.